The Dyson AM06 Cool 10 inch Fan Review


Dyson Desk Fan
Dyson AM06 10″ Desk Fan


Air Multiplierâ„¢ technology

Dyson fans use Air Multiplierâ„¢ technology to create a powerful stream of uninterrupted airflow.

safeSafe No fast-spinning blades. quieterSound 75% quieter Streamlined air channels for reduced airflow turbulence make the AM06 75% quieter than AM01.
lesspowerconsumed30% less power consumed Engineered to create powerful airflow using less energy than AM01. sleeptimerSleep timer Fan can be programmed to turn off after preset intervals ranging from 15 minutes to 9 hours.
remotecontrolRemote control With 10 precise airflow settings, sleep timer, on/off and oscillation control. Curved and magnetized to store neatly
on the machine.
oscontrolOscillation control Airflow can be directed around a room – one touch for smooth oscillation. 
easytiltEasy tilt Pivots on its own center of gravity. easytocleanEasy to clean No awkward safety grilles or blades.

Our Thoughts:  Hands down, this is the best fan we have ever seen or used. We knew going into using this, that with the Dyson name being behind it, we wouldn’t be disappointed. We never expected a fan, that doesn’t have blades, to be so powerful in cooling a room or specific area. These are our top reasons as to why we love this fan and would suggest it to anyone looking for a smaller office or desk fan. * It moves air around the room without blowing around the papers on the desk.

* For the amount of air that it moves, it is much quieter than most fans. While all fans will make noise (you can’t
get away from that), this one allows you to still be able to have a conversation when the fan is at a higher

* We love the remote control with 10 settings!

* We love the look – It is a very stylish looking fan.

Note: We realize that with the price of the fan, it may not be for everyone, but we think it is a great investment and a product built of quality in design, functionality and materials.

You can find more information and purchase this fan at

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