Moms Needed ASAP:
Join the brand new Ipsos i-Say Mom’s Panel. Simply
give us your opinion and you could win $5000, plus a
chance to win cool prizes for you and your family.
US Moms Needed
Canadian Moms Needed
you're a mom who has been wondering about all this
blogging stuff. You've been curious about it.
Possibly wanting to get in on the fun, but no idea
how? It's simple! You don't have to know
any special computer language, you don't need to
know how to do anything but type.
are many sites that offer free blogs to people.
They are set up for you to take advantage of.
Make sure that there aren't any hidden fees, as some
of the free sites offer a very very basic blog for
free but sneak in extra charges if you want "more."
Our first
choice in where you can get a free blog is
of course, our partner site - offers 45 template designs
to choose from, photo albums, both private
and public blogs, email lists, private
messaging, and a real community of moms who
are blogging.