Category Archives: Health & Fitness

Senior Exercise to Stay Healthy

One thing is for certain: the more we move physically, the healthier we are. Research has borne out that exercise is the best way for us to stay fit as we age, even up into our advanced years. So what does staying healthy and fit look like for those who are in the 60+ range? read more »

Choosing Your Dentist in 5 Simple Steps

Choosing Your Dentist Going to the dentist is usually not an appointment many look forward to, but if you want to keep your teeth white and your gums healthy, it’s a necessity. A dentist is more than a professional tooth cleaner. They offer preventative care and inspect other potential abnormalities that you and other doctors read more »

How to Save Money When Your Kids Have Allergies

Saving Money When Your Kids Have Allergies Allergies are annoying, and as a parent, wiping snotty noses and comforting red-eyed, teary toddlers can be challenging enough. Add to that the high cost of allergy medication and allergy prevention products and you’re in for a season of unwanted spending. If you, your kid, or another loved read more »

How soon is too soon to get in shape after giving birth?

Too soon to get in shape after giving birth? Having a baby is without a doubt the most amazing, life-changing experience. However, the stresses of adjusting to life with a newborn can be overwhelming. There’s so much to think about – feeds, diaper changes, sleepless nights and the constant worry about whether you’re doing it read more »

A Mom’s Guide to Looking After Yourself

The modern mother has a lot more freedom to define herself and to go further than the typical boundaries set for women. Still, there is no denying that when it comes down to it – a mother is a nurturer to her children. She cares for her kids physically, emotionally, and spiritually and this is read more »

This Not That – 4 Ways to Improve Your Health and Life

As mothers, we know how “this not that” works with our children. At snack times, we encourage our kids to reach for fruits over chips. But if that’s too big of a reach, we have chocolate-covered health bars in the closet so that the choice is better by degrees. Using the “this not that” method read more »

How Pulse Oximeter Can Benefit Your Health

How Pulse Oximeter Can Benefit Your Health For most people, pulse oximeter is a foreign word. Even though many of us may not think we know what this device is, almost all of us have used them many times throughout our lives. A pulse oximeter is the small device that nurses often place on our read more »